Professional Development
Through its activities and services, TMUA officers and staff encourage and help all members to enhance, expand, and cultivate their professional abilities.
TMUA membership includes access to the Web site at , an on-line membership directory, and a yearly subscription to the Texas Municipal League’s magazine, Texas Town and City.
Discounted TML Publication
TMUA membership provides each member with an opportunity to receive, at a significantly reduced price, one subscription to the Texas Municipal League’s annual Texas City Officials Directory and Buyer’s Guide (regular price $60; affiliate price $30).
TMUA membership consists of four categories: Full, Affiliate, Student, and Life.
- A person who (a) is an elected city utility official or, (b) is a member of the governing body of a city or public utility.
- A person who is the administrative head or assistant administrative head of a city.
- Any person employed by a city or public utility, who actively works in the area of utilities.
A person who does not qualify as a Full, Student, or Life Member, but has attained a position in a field of specialization qualifying him/her to contribute to the advancement of professional knowledge.
A person who is registered in a college or university program with an emphasis on municipal utility management.
Life Members of the Association shall be chosen because of distinguished public service to local and urban municipal utilities. Prospective Life Members shall be nominated by at least five (5) Full Members. Provided the Board unanimously recommends the prospective Life Membership, the membership will vote on it at the TMUA Annual Conference.
Annual dues are based upon these membership classifications:
Full– $65.00
Affiliate – $65.00
Student – $15.00