South Shore Harbour Resort and Conference Center
League City, Texas on April 26, 2002
The General Membership Business Meeting was held at the South Shore Harbour Resort, League City, Texas on Friday, April 26, 2002. Dale Fisseler, President, called the meeting to order at 12:40 a.m. and welcomed everyone present. Approximately 24 members and 4 wives were present.
The minutes for the General Membership Business Meeting in Houston on November 29, 2001 were presented by Dale Fisseler. Jim Siddall made a motion to approve the minutes as presented and Greg Dickens seconded the motion. The motion was approved.
Jim Siddall referenced a handout which had been passed out to everyone attending. He gave a brief report and noted the current balance in net assets as of the end of March 2002 was $18,311.53. The handout also showed the proposed budget for next year.
Charlie Anderson gave a brief report on the TML Board Meeting on November 30, 2001. He stated his article in the Catalyst gave a full report on the meeting.
Membership Committee
Jack Renfro, Committee Chairman, was absent. Dale Fisseler presented the report. He stated the current membership level is at 293.
Legislative Committee
Dave Ryburn, Committee Chairman, presented a brief report.
Nominating Committee
Phil Boyd, Committee Chairman, asked for recommendations for a director for Region 7 from the members since Leonard Young is proposed to be Vice-President for next year. Phil said he would cover the proposed officers for 2002-2003 later in the meeting.
Finance Committee
Jim Siddall, Committee Chairman, gave the report. He referenced the budget handout and the issue about membership revenue.
Rooster Smith made a motion to approve the budget as presented. Phil Boyd seconded the motion. The motion was approved.
Awards Committee
Ron McCuller, Committee Chairman, was absent and no report was presented.
Scholarship Committee
Dale Fisseler and Phil Boyd presented the report. He stated the organization gave out three $500 scholarships this year. The recipients were Lillian Johnson, James Edward Johnson, and John Travis Smith.
Publication Committee
Jim Siddall, Committee Chairman, presented a brief report. He asked for all members to contribute articles to the Catalyst. He reminded everyone that the Catalyst would be e-mailed to all members in the future.
Web Site Committee
Reynaldo Cantu, Committee Chairman, was absent. Dale Fisseler gave a brief report.
Program Committee
Ivan Langford, Committee Chairman, was absent. Dale Fisseler complimented Ivan and the TML staff on the 2002 Spring Conference program.
All directors were present and gave a brief report except Reynaldo Cantu, Herb Campbell, David Van Dresar, and James Vines.
The amendment was handed out. A brief explanation was give by Dale Fisseler for the amendment of “Article V – Membership”. Rooster Smith made a motion to approve the amendment as presented. Charles Anderson seconded the motion. The motion was approved.
Phil stated the list of nominees:
Leonard Young, Vice-President
Jim Siddall, Secretary/Treasurer
Region 2 – Will Wilde, San Angelo
Region 4 – Dave Ryburn, Irving
Region 6 – Herb Campbell, Paris
Region 8 – Chris Pfeifer, League City
There were no more nominations from the members. Dale Fisseler made a motion to approve the nominations as presented. Ron McCuller seconded the motion and the nominations were approved.
Dale Fisseler presented John Philpot and Dana Gale with a TMUA business card holder as appreciation for their past assistance in managing the organization.
Dale Fisseler presented the sponsors with appreciation certificates and personally thanked each sponsor’s representative in attendance for their contribution to the organization.
Ron Haynes presented Dale Fisseler with a plaque in appreciation for his service as President as well as a TMUA business card holder and a boat in a bottle.
It was determined there was no additional business. The President thanked everyone for attending the luncheon and adjourned the meeting at 1:12 p.m.
Respectfully submitted, __________________________________
Jim Siddall Secretary/Treasurer
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George R. Brown Convention Center Houston, Texas
November 29, 2001
The General Membership Business Meeting was held at the George R. Brown Convention Center in Houston, Texas in Room 306 on November 29, 2001. Dale Fisseler, President called the meeting to order at 8:30 a.m. and welcomed all present.
Financial Report
Jim Siddall, Secretary/Treasurer presented the financial report. As of the end of September 30, 2001, the TMUA records show an ending net assets of $19,172.66.
TML Representative Report
Ron McCuller gave a report on the TML Board meeting held November 28, 2001. One of the issues covered was concerning the TNRCC changing their name to “Texas Commission on Environmental Quality.”
Membership Committee
Jack Renfro, Committee Chairman was absent. No report was given.
Legislative Committee
Charles Anderson, Committee Chairman, stated he had no additional information to report other than what Monte Akers with TML staff was going to report in his presentation.
Nominating Committee
Phil Boyd, Committee Chairman stated Ed Hansen, City Administrator for the City of Plains will be nominated for Region 1 Director to replace David Brunson who has resigned.
Phil Boyd asked for any suggestions on a nominee for 2002-2003 Vice President.
Finance Committee
No report was given.
Awards Committee
Ivan Langford, Committee Chairman gave a brief report. He announced the 2001 Outstanding Utility Award winner was the City of Grand Prairie. Ron McCuller and Ray Moreno accepted the award.
Program Committee
Ron Haynes, Committee Chairman gave a report on the TMUA program for the day. He stated there would be a change in speaker for the “GASB 34 – A Utility Perspective” program from Larry Shaw to Allan Mullins of Carter & Burgess.
Unfinished Business
Phil Boyd asked for nominations for Region 1 Director. Jim Siddall nominated Ed Hansen, City of Plains. There were no other nominations. Ed Hansen was elected as Region 1 Director by the members present.
No further reports were given.
It was determined there was no other business to conduct. Dale Fisseler thanked everyone for attending and adjourned the meeting at 9:00 a.m.
Respectfully submitted, ________________________________
Jim Siddall, Secretary/Treasurer